Hardware Specifications
Spectrum bandwidth
Wavelength range
Display wavelength
Selectable wavelength
0.1nm step
0.1nm step (1nm step in spectrum mode) |
Wavelength accuracy
± 1.0nm
± 0.3nm
Scan speed
wavelength change: approximately 3800nm/min. Scan:
approximately 24~1400nm/min
Light source change
Selectable from following 3 types;
Auto change with wavelength Selectable wavelength295nm~364nm :
1nm interval Recommended wavelength: 340nm
Halogen lamp (WI) only
Deuterium (D2) lamp only
Stray light
less than 0.05%
(220.0nm NaI, 340.0nm NaNO2 & UV-39) |
Measurement method
Single beam measurement
Photometric range
Absorbance: -0.3~3.0 Abs
Transmittance: 0.0~200% |
Recording range
Absorbance: -3.99~3.99
Abs Transmittance: -399~399% |
Photometric accuracy
![]() |
± 0.002 Abs (at 1.0 Abs)
Baseline stability
less than ± 0.001 Abs/h (after 2 hr warm-up)
Baseline flatness
less than ± 0.010 Abs
(after 1 hr warm-up, at 1100~200nm) |
Noise level
less than 0.002 Abs, Peak to Peak
less than 0.0005 Abs, RMS |
Baseline correction
Auto correction with the computer memory
Light source
20W Halogen lamp (long-life 2000 hours)
Deuterium lamp (socket type) Auto adjustment for maximum sensitivity |
Incorporates aberration-correcting concave blazed holographic
Silicon photodiode
Sample compartment
Interior dimensions W110.0 X D230.0 X H105.0mm
(partial depth: 155.0mm) 2 screw port for option accessory installation |
6 inch LCD (320 X 240 dot) with CFD lighting with contrast
Power supply
100~120V 50/60Hz 160VA
220~240V 50/60Hz 160VA |
W416 X D379 X H274mm
Ambient temperature
Ambient humidity
5~80%, less than 70% if over 30°C
Software Specification
Fixed wavelength measurement; T%, ABS
Quantitation with K-factor method
Save/Load of the result data table
Auto printout of measured data, Auto transfer via serial port
Optional cell positioners for continuous measurement of samples
Spectrum measurement
- Measuring mode: ABS, T%, E
- Scan Speed: Very fast, Fast, Medium, Slow, Very slow
- Scan times: 1~99
- Spectrum display: Selectable overlay or sequential
- Measuring mode: ABS, T%, E
- Scan Speed: Very fast, Fast, Medium, Slow, Very slow
- Scan times: 1~99
- Spectrum display: Selectable overlay or sequential
Data processing of spectrum data
- Detection of peak and valley (both up to 20)
- Zoom in and zoom out (only vertical axis can zoom out)
- Data read out with cursor keys
- Data save/load (Standard: 6, Data pack: 21)
- Detection of peak and valley (both up to 20)
- Zoom in and zoom out (only vertical axis can zoom out)
- Data read out with cursor keys
- Data save/load (Standard: 6, Data pack: 21)
Spectrum data transfer via serial port
Spectrum printout (A5 size, with ESC/P type printer
1 wavelength, 2 or 3 wavelength quantitation
Calibration curve
K factor method with auto concentration calculation One point calibration curve with auto concentration calculation Multi-point calibration curve
- Number of standards (2~10)
- Calibration curve: 1~3 order calibration curve
- Selection to pass or not pass on original point
- Spectrum display: Selectable overlay or sequential
Repeat measurement of standards (1-10 times) and creation of the calibration curve with the mean values of measurement data Display of the calibration curve Display of the correlation factor of the calibration curve
K factor method with auto concentration calculation One point calibration curve with auto concentration calculation Multi-point calibration curve
- Number of standards (2~10)
- Calibration curve: 1~3 order calibration curve
- Selection to pass or not pass on original point
- Spectrum display: Selectable overlay or sequential
Repeat measurement of standards (1-10 times) and creation of the calibration curve with the mean values of measurement data Display of the calibration curve Display of the correlation factor of the calibration curve
Quantitation measurement
Repetition (1~10 times) and the quantitation with the mean value
Repetition (1~10 times) and the quantitation with the mean value
Save/load of the measured data table
Auto printout of the measured data, Auto transfer via serial
Optional cell positioners for continuous measurement of samples
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